
More Breach Costs “per record”

Ponemon Institute has issued its annual report on the cost of data breaches. I wrote last year about using per record costs for data breaches. An excerpt: It is common when estimating costs of data breaches to quote costs “per…

What does “Aurora” mean in Chinese?

George Kurtz of McAfee is providing some details about the hack attack against Google et.al. purportedly originating in China. One of his comments: I am sure you are wondering about the name “Aurora.”  Based on our analysis, “Aurora” was part…

Notes on the Heartland breach

The Heartland saga continues and it appears that things are going its way. Not only has the company been on a campaign to make lemons out of lemonade by selling the equipment (“end-to-end” encryption) to their customers (and, presumably others),…

ENISA Cloud Computing Security Project

Today, the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) released its Cloud Computing Risk Assessment report. I enjoyed participating on the project and making a number of new friends. As with most workgroups, this project had its ups and downs…