Negligent, huh?

My friend tells me that my quote in this Computerworld article about the risks of smartphones was a bit extreme:

"You’d be bordering on the negligent to completely ignore this issue," said Pete Lindstrom, an analyst at Spire Security LLC in Malvern, Pa. But it’s an immediate concern only for companies that are heavily using smart phones, he said, adding that very few are doing so now. "In the real world, you have to prioritize your work, and my guess is that this would be on the low end of that list," Lindstrom said.

Here is my point, as boring as it is without using words like "negligent" ;-) You have to evaluate all new technologies that are likely to infiltrate your enterprise, but that doesn’t make it a big deal, it makes it routine. If you don’t understand that, well maybe you aren’t negligent, you just don’t understand your job.

Ultimately, the amount of time you can actually spend on something like this is limited. Chances are extremely good that this is not an issue yet. But you can’t just ignore it.