Six Year Old Hacker

The BBC found a six year old that can hack into computers. Well, I suppose if you consider installing a physical keylogger on a computer hacking, then this is accurate. But it definitely wasn’t your standard across-the-network kind of hack:

Anne Milton agreed to leave her computer unattended for just 60 seconds. But it took six-year-old Brianagh just 15 seconds to sneak into Anne’s room and hide the keylogger on her machine.

The truth is a lot less interesting, isn’t it?

2 comments for “Six Year Old Hacker

  1. March 28, 2007 at 11:25 am

    My six year old Jack told me to guess his password of a month or so back. We couldn’t remember what we used and he though it would probably be lego something or other! “I am saying nothing”

  2. March 28, 2007 at 11:26 am

    My six year old Jack told me to guess his password of a month or so back. We couldn’t remember what we used and he though it would probably be lego something or other! “I am saying nothing”

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