Tag, I’m a Leftover

The end of the year and the blogosphere is full of cool people "tagging" other people with "memes" and such. I know they’re cool, because, well, I want to be like them. So this must be what it felt like when I didn’t pick them to play on my football/basketball/baseball/kickball/othersport team in the schoolyard. Alas, the world changes and the smart people get their revenge.

(And if you are a pitymonger blogger don’t bother tagging me now. No self-effacing wimp like myself would allow himself to participate after this pathetic sob story. ;-) )

1 comment for “Tag, I’m a Leftover

  1. December 22, 2006 at 8:51 am

    Now c’mon Pete. Don’t be like that.

    Truth be told the “tagging” thing didn’t quite spread in our little world as well as it does among the techno-literati of the Web 2.0 blogs. I figured it would have gone around the world faster than this (after all, we’re all about 2 degrees of separation).

    Besides, now there’s more interesting stuff (like the Don Parker/Risk Management < Awesomeness! thread and Tao Security just figuring out that people govern by silly standards) going on. Plenty to write about.

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