Hacking the “Wall of Sheep”

Every year at DefCon, a group of people sniff wired and wireless networks for user IDs and passwords and then publish them on the "wall of sheep." What a great opportunity to embarrass all of your friends and enemies by creating accounts that "look like" theirs – simple names will do – and logging in repeatedly. Get extra credit for picking a creative password as well.

What ID and password would you use? I think I would use ID: Beaker and PWD: password. ;-)

I wonder how many people would fall for this…

2 comments for “Hacking the “Wall of Sheep”

  1. August 7, 2006 at 2:00 pm

    Very funny, Lindstrom.

    Besides, I use a zero in “passw0rd.”

    (If you haven’t figured it out yet, my nickname is ‘Beaker’
    and even if Pete’s not referring to me, the fact that he outed
    my credentials disturbs me…)

    We’re no longer friends. Until I need more Metric stuff, that is.


  2. Pete
    August 7, 2006 at 2:13 pm

    @Beaker -

    (Slow work day, huh? ;-) )

    I just wanted to give you plausible deniability – now, when you login with your legitimate credentials, people sniffing the wire and seeing it will just think it is me pretending to be you.

    It’s just like my strategy for privacy – I pay 200 people around the world to impersonate me concurrently so I can blend in and confuse people. Privacy chaff.

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