1 comment for “SMACKDOWN! 100% Secure OS vs. 100% Undetectable Malware

  1. July 25, 2006 at 8:19 am

    I have a perfectly secure PC at home. It’s in a closet, no power supply, no ethernet adapter, and has a HDD full of documents that I will someday access…..by plugging that HDD into another PC. God tried to access it via the classic ‘lightning storm exploit’ and failed– except if His intention was to disrupt availability.

    Seriously, I don’t hear much anymore about 100% secure OS even from the terminally naive. 100% undetectable malware?

    If you’re talking about code that can hide indefinitely, I can see that, but even the sneakiest software has to come up for air (needs to run and even access the net), and it can be stopped then.

    The best security solutions are those that keep in mind the balance of productivity versus protection – true risk management, worrying less about out-foxing the bad guys and more about making enabling the good stuff.

    If you can’t find anyone willing to come to this [smackdown] party, I doubt if anyone can…

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