The VA Laptop Plot “Thin-ens”

A very un-compelling question at the end of Bob Sullivan’s MSNBC blog on the VA Laptop:

"But not all questions have been answered yet. The obvious missing puzzle piece is this: How did the hardware get from the VA employee’s home in Aspen Hill, Md., to the back of a truck in Wheaton, about 4 miles away? And what happened during the trip?"

I will go ahead and fill in this "obvious missing puzzle piece" for you:

it was taken by the "Men in Black" into the back of an unmarked van, whisked away to blackhat headquarters in a secret location in Eastern Europe where the hardware was completely replicated along with its contents (hah! you really think this is the same laptop?), the original wiped of all fingerprints, hair, and other incrimating evidence, and flown to China for in-depth forensic analysis by the bad guys to recover whatever other data there may have been, and the exact replica (including serial numbers and some DNA from the original VA employee-user) sold on the black market outside a subway station.

Or, a guy just sold it to his fence who sold it out of a truck.

I guess we’ll never know, and I will never be able to sleep again, knowing that I don’t really know.

1 comment for “The VA Laptop Plot “Thin-ens”

  1. Chris Walsh
    July 6, 2006 at 10:31 pm

    So they find the hard drive and Ken Lay dies. We’re supposed to not connect the dots? Come ON, people!


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