If you are reading this, you might be an INTJ…

…but you might not be willing to agree to it, since you value your own original ideas:

We found that security professionals are different from the general population of
the United States across all four dichotomies, tending to be more introverted, intuiting, thinking and judging. In particular, we found a predominance of INTJ types, who tend to be “perfectionists who value personal competence and their own original ideas.”

- from Gates & Whalen, "A Psychological Profile of Defender Personality Traits" referencing their study from 2004, "Profiling the Defenders".

Of course, you might also be an xSFJ:

We found that our result (MBTI type xSFJ) is different across two dichotomies from the result found in our earlier work on a similar sample population [11]. Our respondents demonstrated a very low score for openness indicating a very sensing-based population. This is markedly different from the previous study, which found that the security population was extremely high in intuiting. Similarly, we found that our population is morepredisposed to be the feeling type, while the previous population was high on the thinking scale.
- Ibid.

It happens that the referenced document actually uses the "Five Factor Model" for personality traits, so there are nuances to the Myers-Brigg comparison that matter. I just thought this was interesting stuff, especially since the last time I checked I was an ENTP…

Update: ENTP and INTJ are two of 16 different personality types in the Myers-Brigg personality tests. Sorry for not being clear about that.

1 comment for “If you are reading this, you might be an INTJ…

  1. November 8, 2007 at 6:26 pm

    I’m reading this and I am, in fact, an INTJ.

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